Mission Statement
“With integrity, the Capistrano Historical Alliance Committee proudly recognizes, respects and honors ALL the historical elements of San Juan Capistrano – its lands, its structures, its families, and its traditions.”

Old Mission San Juan Capistrano Postcard
An old mounted postcard — view of the once Old Mission San Juan Capistrano Visitor’s “Front Entrance”. It was definitely an Early California Spanish Mission “grand entrance” that attracted and welcomed the many Old Mission visitors and parishioners alike. It was a place where our old historical families would gather for many local special ceremonies and occasions. I’m sure you all share many good memories connected with this once “grand entrance” — which was at one time the heart and soul of old San Juan Capistrano!
Celebrating Use of the New City Seal
The Capistrano Historical Alliance Committee is thrilled to see the City of San Juan Capistrano fully using the new approved, supported, and fully endorsed city seal. The seal was designed by Kimberleigh Gavin and was approved by so many of our historic families.

Donate Today
Join us as we strive to make a difference in San Juan Capistrano by donating today.

We Care
Your donations help us to continue our good work in our community as we preserve what is important.
We Preserve
We strive to preserve the structures, land, and traditions that make up San Juan Capistrano for generations to come.
We Honor
We honor the historical elements that make up our community along with its families, structures, lands, and traditions.
Thank you for helping us make a difference.
Please mail your donations to:
Capistrano Historical Alliance Committee (A Non-Profit Organization)
25332 Yacht Drive
Dana Point, CA 92629
Tax ID#35-2419216
Photo Gallery
Let this picture begin your journey of historically rich San Juan Capistrano…

View our Board Members in action
We are always working for the historic families of San Juan Capistrano.
View Historical Images
These images make up who we are as a people, celebrating our families, our heritage, and our traditions.
Our Ancestors
Those who have gone before us and have prepared the way for us to keep doing what we do.
Who We Are
We are the chosen! In each family, there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them alive again, to tell the family story, and to feel that somehow they know and approve. Doing Geneology is not a cold gathering of facts, but instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the storytellers of the tribe.
This statement, by an anonymous person, describes the very being of Jerry Nieblas, Historian of the Old Mission and San Juan Capistrano.
So Many Memories and Contributions, Yet So Little Recognition
The Capistrano Historical Alliance Committee wishes to remember and honor the pre-Mission, Native American, early Californio, and very early European settlers who lovingly dedicated and sacrificed most of their lives to the building, survival, and care of our Old Mission San Juan Capistrano.
The Mission stands today as a constant deep reminder, a tribute to those who gave so humbly of themselves, never asking for recognition or anything in return. Because of their devotion and love of our Mother Catholic Church and beloved Old Mission, it rests on an indestructible foundation.
We proudly and humbly honor:
~ Vaya Con Dios, y que su viaje sea feliz! ~
Go with God, and may your journey be happy!
Your descendants remain here, our historical bloodlines unbroken, in this, our great and historical San Juan Capistrano community. We thank you with our deepest love and respect for all your years of difficult, selfless, dedicated devotion to our Old Mission San Juan Capistrano. We are proud to be members of these families.